The correct sleeping position – get straight to sleep
The position your spine is in while you sleep is critical to your spinal health.
The spine naturally curves forwards in the neck, backwards in the mid back and forward again in the low back. In this position, the spine is relaxed with minimal pressure on nerves muscles and spinal discs.
Sleeping on your stomach
Sleeping on your stomach will eventually create problems with your spine-it puts unnecessary pressure on your neck due to twisting of the head and also strains your lower back.
Sleeping on your side
This is a better position for sleeping.
Try lying with your lower leg fairly straight and bend your upper leg at the hip and knee. Place a pillow between your upper knee and the bed. Alternatively, bend both knees and hips slightly and position a pillow between both knees.
Your pillow should be right height to keep the neck straight, it should mould to the shape of your head.
Sleeping on your back
This can also be a good position for sleeping.
It is often useful to place a pillow under your knee. This may reduce strain on the lower back.
Your pillow will need to maintain the forward curve of the neck. If you have fairly straight back, then you should use a thinner pillow than someone with rounded shoulders.
Spinal health affects your sleep quality
Musculoskeletal condition such as back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia and arthritis can adversely affect sleep quality chiropractors are the spinal health experts and widely regarded as the practitioners of choice in caring for Musculoskeletal condition, such as back pain.
Further, sleep disorders such as insomnia have been associated with painful musculoskeletal condition that may result in sleepiness, irritability and feelings of misery.