Welcome to our wellness centre! We provide the Perth North East area with natural healthcare in a quiet, peaceful and professional setting. Our friendly First Impression team will welcome you and check you in, where you can have a seat in our spacious reception area if there are a few minutes before seeing your Chiropractor.

What to Expect

You will immediately feel at home the moment you walk in the door.

You’ll feel cared for from your first telephone conversation with Your Wellness House team. Our staff will make sure you feel comfortable and ready to get the results you desire.

New Patient Intake

Your first visit with your Chiropractor involves a full examination and x-rays if necessary. You’ll be given a full assessment to determine how best to correct the function of your spine.

Your visit will take about a half hour, and we recommend you arrive ten minutes early to fill out forms. If possible, it’s helpful if you wear loose clothing to your appointment.

Depending on The findings of your examination will determine if Chiropractic is appropriate for you or if further tests are required.

Report of Findings

Your second visit will consist of a report of findings from your initial examination. You’ll receive your care plan and discuss consent on this visit.

Follow-up Visits

Depending on your case this will determine when you will see your Chiropractor. Case reviews and re-examinations will be done to check your progress.

Returning for Care

Many of us sit in chairs all day at work which can reduce the amount of normal movement the spine might experience when compared to walking around and moving all day. Many have injuries and areas of degeneration that reduce normal spinal function. These areas may become symptomatic again over time after improving from Chiropractic care and may require further treatment on an ongoing basis.

Chiropractic Care

If you’ve been to a Chiropractor previously and prefer a certain technique, just let us know and we’ll accommodate your preferences. Otherwise, we’ll choose the technique we feel will work best for your particular needs.

 Techniques include:

  • Activator Methods
  • Diversified
  • Thompson Terminal Drop
  • Sacro Occipital technique (SOT)
  • Cranial technique

We Aim To Excel Your Health Naturally

To Make An Appointment With Our Skilled Practitioners Click The Link Below.